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Cyberspace has become a popular term, symbolic of the computing devices, networks, wireless links and other infrastructure that bring the internet to billions of people around the world. The myriad connections forged by these technologies have brought tremendous benefits to everyone who uses the web to tap into humanitys collective store of knowledge every day. 00But there is a darker side to this extraordinary invention. Data breaches are becoming ever bigger and more common. Last year over 800m records were lost, mainly through such attacks. Among the most prominent recent victims has been Target, whose chief executive, Gregg Steinhafel, stood down from his job in May, a few months after the giant American retailer revealed that online intruders had stolen millions of digital records about its customers, including credit- and debit-card details. Other well-known firms such as Adobe, a tech company, and eBay, an online marketplace, have also been hit. The potential damage, though, extends well beyond such commercial incursions. Americas president, Barack Obama, said in a White House press release earlier this year that cyber-threats  pose one of the gravest national-security dangers the country is facing. 00Securing cyberspace is hard because the architecture of the internet was designed to promote connectivity, not security. Its founders focused on getting it to work and did not worry much about threats because the network was affiliated with Americas military. As hackers turned up, layers of security, from antivirus programs to firewalls, were added to try to keep them at bay. Gartner, a research firm, reckons that last year organizations around the globe spent $67 billion on information security. 0 But the task is becoming harder. Cyber-security, which involves protecting both data and people, is facing multiple threats, notably cybercrime and online industrial espionage, both of which are growing rapidly. A recent estimate by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) puts the annual global cost of digital crime and intellectual-property theft at $445 billion a sum roughly equivalent to the GDP of a smallish rich European country such as Austria. 00There is, therefore, an urgent need to provide incentives to improve cyber-security, be they carrots or sticks. One idea is to encourage internet-service providers, or the companies that manage internet connections, to shoulder more responsibility for identifying and helping to clean up computers infected with malicious software. Another is to find ways to ensure that software developers produce code with fewer flaws in it so that hackers have fewer security holes to exploit. "$.268BVvz|  L N    $ 6 : < > ؿ~u~uu~j~ajaahuo6CJaJhuo6CJaJo(h$Y6CJaJhIhuo6CJaJhIhuo6CJaJo($h$+5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJ'h$+5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJo(h$+5>*CJOJPJo(h$+CJOJPJo(h$+>*CJOJPJo(h$+5CJOJPJo(h$+CJ OJPJaJ o(#$| N < > ~ kY&&'N)gd$Y dhG$H$gduodgd;;_ d`gd;;_ WD`gduo & FdhG$H$gduodhG$H$$a$> R f h j r t x | ~ "$QIkZ[Y77$$$$%%%&&&''h$+5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJo('huo5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJo(UhCJPJaJh;;_CJPJaJo(h;;_CJPJaJh;;_h;;_CJPJaJ@0 An additional reason for getting tech companies to give a higher priority to security is that cyberspace is about to undergo another massive change. Over the next few years billions of new devices in our daily lives, from cars to household appliances and medical equipment, will be fitted with tiny computers that connect them to the web and make them more useful. Essay Writing (1 60R) There is a debate in the foreign studies circle over the disciplinary attribute of English major in recent years. Do you agree with those scholars who insist that English is merely a tool of communication, or do you agree with those who regard it more as a carrier of cultural values? Write an essay of 400 600 words on your opinion of English as a foreign language. Part II Translation(50R) English-Chinese Translation (25R) The day passed, and the night following, and the next, and next; till, almost without their being aware, five days had slipped by in absolute seclusion, not a sight or sound of a human being disturbing their peacefulness, such as it was. The changes of the weather were their only events, the birds of the forest their only company. By tacit consent they hardly once spoke of any incident of the past subsequent to their wedding-day. The gloomy intervening time seemed to sink into chaos, over which the present and prior times closed as if it never had been. Whenever he suggested that they should leave their shelter, and go forwards towards Southampton or London, she showed a strange unwillingness to move.  Why should we put an end to all that s sweet and lovely! she deprecated.  What must come will come. And, looking through the gap of the curtains:  All is trouble outside there; inside here content. He peeped out also. It was quite true; within was affection, union, error forgiven: outside was the inexorable. 2 Chinese-English Translation (25R) 6R^ReoSNNNNvR R _N9eSNNNNv}TЏ0N)Yv-NV _S;mRvenl0;mRegY7h'` Y7h'`vxdNuzfgavkp pqReSU\vkpp0'YORN0NORe NNʑ>elzflR ib'YQTE\lm9 XR>yO"[ Xۏ'YOyIy0f͑v/f Re@b gN gs^I{:gOTS[sNuN

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