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长沙理工大学2020年考研《357 英语翻译基础》初试真题及答案

网络 5696 2020-11-27 11:53:44

对于正在备战的小伙伴们而言,考试真题是非常重要的学习资料,长沙理工大学公布了2021年年的考研真题,准备报考长沙理工大学的同学们可要赶快收藏哦,下面是考研营小编收集的“长沙理工大学2020年考研《357 英语翻译基础》初试真题及答案”的相关内容,希望对广大学子有所帮助!点击附件可下载答案和真题原文。

2020年全国硕士研究生招生考试初试自命题试题  B  卷)

科目代码:  357  科目名称:    英语翻译基础  


Part One  Phrase translation (30 points)

Directions: This part consists of two sections. In the following two sections you are supposed to translate 30 phrases, either from English to Chinese or from Chinese to English.

Section A  English to Chinese (15 points)

1) the city cluster in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region

2) ecological conservation redline

3) high-performance carbon fibers

4) World Anti-Doping Agency

5) J-20 stealth fighter

6) application of blockchain technology

7) Leung Chun-ying

8) zombie company

9) adapt to the economic new normal

10) face-scanning check-in

11) real estate destocking

12) state-of-the-art technology

13) renovation of dilapidated rural housing

14) renewable resource recycling

15) put people first and govern for the people

Section B  Chinese to English (15 points)

  1) 中国社会主义现代化建设

  2) 协同创新

  3) 区域协调发展

  4) 发展新动能

  5) 工匠精神

  6) 全面依法治国

  7) 人类命运共同体

  8) 构建新型大国关系

  9) 红白喜事

  10) 货到付款

  11) 上市公司

  12) 增强文化自信

  13) 优化产业结构

  14) 普惠金融

  15) 绿草茵茵,踏之何忍


Part Two  Passage translation(120 points)

Directions: This part consists of two sections. In the following two sections you are supposed to translate one English passage into Chinese and one Chinese passage into English.

Section A English to Chinese (60 points)

TO GOOGLE is now in broad usage as a verb for retrieving information from the internet. If the tech giant has its way, “I Googled” will become a standard reply to the question, “How did you get here?” On May 28th Google said it would build 100 prototype driverless cars devoid of pedals, steering wheel or controls save an on/off switch. It is the next stage in its apparent quest to be as ubiquitous on the road as on computer screens.

People have dreamed about driverless motoring since at least the 1930s, but only in recent years have carmakers such as Mercedes-Benz and Volvo given the matter more thought, kitting out test cars with the sensors and sophisticated software required to negotiate busy roads. Google has roared ahead by designing a driverless car from the ground up.

But bringing autonomous motoring to the world is proving harder than Google had envisaged. It once promised it by 2017. Now it does not see production models coming out before 2020. The technology is far advanced, but needs shrinking in size and cost—Google’s current test cars, retrofitted Toyota and Lexus models, are said to be packed with $80,000-worth of equipment.

Google’s latest efforts may have as much to do with convincing the public and lawmakers as refining the technology. The firm stresses the safety advantages of computers being more likely than humans to avoid accidents. The cars will have a top speed of just 25mph and a front end made of soft foam to cushion unwary pedestrians. The benefits could indeed be huge. Driving time could be given over to working, snoozing or browsing the web. Rather than suffer all the costs of owning a car, some people may prefer to summon a rented one on their smartphones whenever they need it. However, the issue of liability in the event of a driverless car crashing has yet to be resolved.

Turning cars into commodities may not be good news for traditional carmakers. But reinventing motoring as a service fits neatly with Google’s plans to become as big in hardware as in software. And unlike car firms, which talk vaguely of becoming “mobility providers”, Google has pots of cash to make that a reality and no worries about disrupting its current business. Google admits it still has “lots of work to do”. But one day Googling to the shops may be a common activity.


Section B Chinese to English (60 points)



The End

以上就是小编整理的“长沙理工大学2020年考研《357 英语翻译基础》初试真题及答案”的全部内容,更多关于长沙理工大学,2020年复试真题的信息,尽在“考研真题”栏目,希望对广大学子有所帮助!

附件: 长沙理工大学2020年考研357英语翻译基础-B卷.pdf 长沙理工大学2020年考研英语翻译基础B卷参考答案及评分标准.pdf




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